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Web Servers

Improve how web clients and web servers interact, optimize the web stack for usability and caching (Nginx, Apache, Node.js, GraphQL, Redis, memcached, Varnish). Find Web Servers WFH freelancers on October 21, 2024 who work remotely. Read less

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Top Frequently Asked Questions
What's the real difference between Apache and NGINX?
A web server is either the hardware (computer) or software (application) where content like web pages are stored and delivered for internet access or data storage. Content is requested from web servers via the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) or File Transfer Protocol (FTP). The main types of web servers used in the stack are: Apache (most popular), Nginx [Engine X], Internet Information Server (IIS), Jigsaw from W3C Consortium, Oracle iPlanet Web Server, Lighttpd, an open source web server, and LiteSpeed - billed as an 'Apache alternative'.

With NGINX, the configuration language is directive based, housed within a single processing method to support dynamic, third-party modules. NGINX serves static files faster and does not have any .htaccess file or equivalent. On the other hand, Apache is a directive based web server with an .htaccess file for directory localized configurations; utilizing multiple processing methods. While Apache supports dynamic, third-party modules it is slower for serving static files.
Internet Information Server or IIS is a Microsoft-created, native modular web server application designed to support request methods of HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP). The power of IIS is that the modules—called extensions—that IIS server use to automate requests are customizably installed or removed for specific functionality. For example, HTTP modules will respond to information and requests sent in client headers, returning HTTP errors, and redirecting requests, where as compression modules will apply GZIP compression to transfer coding of static content, while security modules govern authentication requirements; Client Certificate Mapping, IP Security, URL authorization, and filtering requests (added in IIS 7.5): https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/iis/get-started/introduction-to-iis/iis-web-server-overview

IIS's content modules process requests for static files, for example, returning a default page when a client does not specify a resource in a request, and listing the contents of a directory, while caching modules and logging and diagnostics modules store and pass information and processing status to HTTP.sys for logging, reporting events, and tracking requests in worker processes. Learn how to install IIS: https://it.cornell.edu/managed-servers/install-windows-iis

A IIS engineer will be needed for troubleshooting many issues in Experience installing and troubleshooting problems on Win 9x, Win2K, WinXP, Vista, 7 and WinNT 4.0/Win2K/Win2003/2008 Server, for example: the anonymous user which was named "IUSR_{machinename}" in IIS 6.0 is a built-in account in Vista and future operating systems and named "IUSR" in IIS 7+.

IIS 5.0 and higher support the following authentication mechanisms:
- Basic access authentication
- Digest access authentication
- Integrated Windows Authentication
- NET Passport Authentication (not supported in Windows Server 2008 and above)


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